Handle In-app Content (Bridge)

Every tap on notification should be leading to the implementation of the "IContentManager" interface.

In the next chapter you will find a reference for any NearITBridge content.

Recipe and content objects

When eventWithContent gets called or inside processRecipe callback you will obtain the content and the tracking info as arguments.

In your native fragment, content can have several class types:

  • XCSimpleNotification instance representing the simple notification
  • XCContentNotification instance representing the rich content if any
  • XCCustomJSONNotification instance representing the custom object if any
  • XCCouponNotification instance representig the coupon if any
  • XCFeedbackNotification instance representing the feedback request if any

Bridge content classes

  • XCSimpleNotification for the simple notification, with the following attributes:

    • NotificationMessage returns the notification message
  • XCContentNotification for the notification with content, with the following attributes:

    • Title returns the notification title
    • Content returns the text content, without processing the html
    • ImageLink returns the link of the image object
    • Cta returns a ContentLink with a label and url fields
  • XCFeedbackNotification with the following getters:

    • Question returns the feedback request string
    • RecipeId returns the recipe id To give a feedback call this method:
// rating must be an integer between 0 and 5, and you can set a comment string.
NearPCL.SendEvent(new XCFeedbackEvent(originalFeedback, "Awesome!", 4));
  • XCCouponNotification with the following getters:

    • Description returns the description
    • Value returns the value string
    • ExpiresAt returns the expiring date
    • RedeemableFrom returns the redeemable date, it's a start date of when you can reedem the coupon
    • IconSet returns an Image object containing the source links for the icon
    • Serial returns the serial code of the coupon
    • ClaimedAt returns the date the coupon was claimed
    • RedeemedAt returns the date the coupon was redeemed
  • XCCustomJSONNotification with the following getters:

    • Content returns the json content

Fetch current user coupon

We handle the complete emission and redemption coupon cycle in our platform, and we deliver a coupon content only when a coupon is emitted (you will not be notified of recipes when a profile has already received the coupon, even if the coupon is still valid). You can ask the library to fetch the list of all the user current coupons with the method:

NearPCL.GetCoupons((couponlist) => { 
                // do something with the list
            }, (error) => {
                // handle the error