User Profiling & Opt-Out (Android)

NearIT creates an anonymous profile for every user of your app. You can choose to add data to user profile. This data will be available inside recipes to allow the creation of user targets.

Send User-Data to NearIT

We automatically create an anonymous profile for every installation of the app. You can check that a profile was created by checking the existance of a profile ID.

                (profileId) => {
                // handle the proifleId
            }, (error) => {
                // handle the error

If the result is null, it means that no profile is associated with the app installation (probably due to a network error). The SDK will re-try to create a profile at every start, and every time a new user data is set.

After the profile is created set user data:


If you have multiple data properties, set them in batch:

var userData = new Dictionary<string, string> {
  { "name", "John" } , {"age", "23"} , { "saw_tutorial" , "true" }
NearItManager.Instance.SetBatchUserData(userData, _successListener);

If you try to set user data before creating a profile the error callback will be called.

If you want to reset your profile use this method:

                (profileId) => {
                // handle the proifleId
            }, (error) => {
                // handle the error

Further calls to ProfileId will return null. A creation of a new profile after the reset will create a profile with no user data.

You will need to use the "Settings> Data Mapping" section of NearIT to configure the data fields to be used inside recipes.

Save the profile ID!

If you can, we recommend you to store the NearIT profileID in your CRM database for two main reasons:

  • it allows you to link our analytics to your users
  • it allows to associate all the devices of an user to the same NearIT profile.

Getting the local profile ID of an user is easy:

                (profileId) => {
                // handle the proifleId
            }, (error) => {
                // handle the error

If you detect that your user already has a NearIT profileID in your CRM database (i.e. after a login), you should manually write it on a local app installation:

NearItManager.Instance.ProfileId = "FROM_SERVER";


You can opt-out a profile and its device:

NearBridgeDroid.OptOut( (success) => {
                // opt out successfully (the argument value is not important)
            }, (error) => {
                // deal with the error 

If the opt-out call is successful all the user-data and trackings will be deleted and the SDK will cease to work (the user's devices will not receive further notifications).